Becoming a best blog in Greenville, SC
good SEO strategies, firstly. There are also a few less conventional methods you can use to swell your audience.
Follow a best blog in Greenville, SC to be the best blog
Even after you have made all your social media pages, added a large number of good posts and talked to your friends and family until you are blue in the face, your subscriber count may not be what you want it to be. The first thing to do is to start following successful Greenville writers and blogs who are good at what they do. Check out our favorite bloggers below!
Backlinking to market your blog in Greenville, SC
Try taking a page from the SEO marketers’ playbook for White Hat SEO strategy (opposed to the black kind which is bad). Backlinking, when done properly, can be used to build the authority of your site. While guest blogging also fulfills this purpose, creating your own backlinks can be another avenue to build your clout on the search engines. Yahoo Contributor Network, HubPages and Squidoo all offer you a cut of their profits when you publish your content with them. These sites will all allow you to link back to your primary blog in one fashion or another. As with the ebook (see below), it will bring in a little money on its own, but the primary goal is to reach a new audience, and create the impression that you are an expert in your field.
Creating and maintaining a good blog requires a bit of effort. Since people have caught on that content is worth money, the market has been flooded with its own sort of gold rush. Unlike those who had to rely completely whether or not their claim actually had any ore in it, by using good marketing tactics you can build your own personal gold mine.
Guest blogging will help you be the best blog in Greenville, SC
So a lot of people talk about guest blogging. The idea isn’t all that new. The reason for this is simple – by trading posts on other blogs you not only reach new audiences, but you also give your readers the benefit of a new opinion on a topic. As soon as your own blog has a good body of content that others can judge your work by, start reaching out to others. Even if things don’t work out for the guest blogging opportunity, these people may share your interests and can often become one of your avid readers.
Go after blogs that cover similar interests, not just the ones that cover the same topics you cover. Say you have been crocheting for 20 years and have started a blog about it. The obvious choice would be to talk to other crocheting blog owners. You may be in direct competition with them, but that shouldn’t stop you from cooperating and trading links. Look at topics that are similar. In this scenario, knitting blogs might be your secondary target. Many blog owners will want you to talk about knitting, so you will need to have some experience in the topic. Others will be interested in getting some variety or having you write a cross-over piece for them. This is their blog, and you should be somewhat flexible on that point. Just make sure your blog and its topic are correctly identified in your signature. That will give knitters who also crochet a better chance to find you. On the one hand, not all their readers will be interested in your topic, but you are also offering something that is very different from what the other blog owner is writing about.

eBooks can help market your blog
With the rise of eBooks and self publishing, eBooks are becoming another great way for bloggers to gain attention for themselves worldwide, not just the best blog in Greenville. This has two benefits. First you can attract new followers that are traditionally book readers. Second is that you improve your reputation with your current readers since you are now a published author. While self publishing has made this step a relatively simple achievement, at least when compared to trying to get a publisher’s attention, it is still held in high regard.
Of course the biggest self publishing platform is Amazon, but there are plenty of other channels that you can add your content to. You can also sell or give away the book directly from your page, but working with an e-retailer will help you gain exposure. Another benefit will come in the form of a second income stream from the book sales. Giving the book away for free will get you more readers, but setting a modest price will make the book seem more valuable, and help you recoup the cost of the time you spent in writing and editing the new book. In summary, keep a good network of friends who also blog, and keep writing. Content is king, after all.]]>