A blog for Website Managers ...

Publishing a book is easier than you think

Traditionally, publishing meant preparing your book and submitting it for someone else to take up the rest of the hard work. This is a seductive model, but one which is very limiting for first-time writers without a track record to garner the attention of that publishing house. Consider publishing your book with a combination of old and new business strategies. Hybrid Publishing offers a mix of traditional and self-publishing.

List of rules to follow from 1959

I recently came across a photo album my father gave me prior to his death. He was born during WWII in Greenville, South Carolina, and a list fell out of it that included rules that aim to make life better for the world around him. While we should hold today's pundits and leaders to a higher standard, our forefathers mustn't always be cancelled for their exclusionary sentiments provided they demonstrated overwhelming earnestness to improve their times. He dated the list near the same day he turned 21 years old. So, here goes:

List of rules to follow from 1959

  • 1. Always believe in Santa Claus
  • 2. Never offer to handshake first
  • 3. When writing an angry letter, wait a week before sending it
  • 4. Pets are only allowed in the kitchen when inside...

Custom Writing Services

what we do for clients

Blotter takes your very best information and publishes it on websites, client communications and social media outlets.
There are four basic steps we follow on your behalf – We Focus Your Content, We Source Your Content, We Create Your Content and We Publish Your Content. Clearly, the hardest part about implementing these steps is the repetition that must accompany them. Search engine optimization (SEO) benefits result in the ability for a website manager to repeat these steps on a regular schedule. Whether it’s every day, every week or every month, these steps for managing content should be repeated like clockwork. Consistency will win the race.
UPDATE your website Every Day
with FRESH CONTENT Every Day
All content written and submitted to client may be published and/or distributed by the client as...

How your LLC can get free government money during Covid-19

Many self-employed workers have set up an LLC (Limited Liability Company) to deflect exposure to debt while creating easier tax and accounting practices. Another benefit is easy access to government money that will not have to be paid back provided you continue your payroll.

Benefits of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) for LLCs:

  • Loans that are 2.5 times their monthly payroll costs
  • Loans do not have to be repaid if you use at least 60% of it for payroll
  • Ideal for companies who have some work coming in but the ability to replace lost revenue sources
  • Great for paying sub-contractors to bridge the gap
  • Health insurance costs are in the calculation of the PPP loan
  • Use a portion to cover rent and utility bills

For example, if...

Domain name value predictions for the 2020s

There is good indication .coms and .nets will return a steady 5% yearly growth for premium names during the next decade. The new and healthy market in one-word .io and .co domains will continue upward. But older gTLDs will not see a hold in value in this new decade. It's also time to sell lesser combo-word .coms and reinvest in one-word paradigms. Here's Blotter's domain name values predictions for the 2020s:

  • Owning 2 or 3 one-word .coms will yield a bigger return on investment than 20-100 combo-word .coms

  • One-word .io or .co domains have better value than combo-word .coms

  • International financial market indices will heavily influence domain name values

  • One-word .com names sell...