Population growth in Greenville criticized by minority
Despite the high quality of living, there are fears that some of Greenville’s less affluent folks, established families and businesses will not survive the growth, especially in the City. Local journalist Eric Conner wrote Paradox Accompanies Trail’s Success, a well-rounded article asking about how new parks and bike paths, such as the Swamp Rabbit Trail, are impacting some:
“What does the trail mean to the natives of Greenville’s urban communities who have not benefited from the economic prosperity? To those who for decades have struggled to rise above a legacy of racial and economic discrimination? For some, the sight of the trail — and the rising property values it brings — can serve as a sign that it might be time to prepare to live somewhere else, wherever that might be.” – Eric ConnnerThe Swamp Rabbit Trail would seem to be a win-win for everyone, except perhaps the car dealerships that may suffer at the hands of bike riders who swear off driving. But really, the number of bike-only folks in Greenville is minuscule, and the bigger issue with the booming infrastructure here in Greenville has to do with those who are on tight budgets and not depending on growth to put money in their pockets. On the contrary, when taxes, groceries and day-to-day expenses increase for the elderly, unemployed, students or others in similar situations, the frustration is real. A recent criticism on Reddit gives a perspective:
I would say the one negative to owners is rising property taxes. If you’re pushed out because the city jacks up your property taxes, that’s not right. It’s basically indirect eminent domain. – bcmoney82 via Reddit.com[caption id="attachment_2938" align="aligncenter" width="604"]

- 25% of Greenville County is under 20 years old
- 14% of Greenville County is older than 65
- 18.5% of Greenville County is Black
- 8.7% of Greenville County is Hispanic