Six writing jobs in Greenville, SC and the authors who made it
Here are six ways to make money doing writing jobs in Greenville, SC. Writers from Greenville, in particular, stand out in an industry known for being tightfisted, among them Dorothy Allison, Neville Kiser, Chad Dudley, Gilbert Allen, and Henry Mitchell.
“I must thank the 200 companies who said no,” Henry Mitchell said in January. “But I finally found a publisher and got it published.”
Mitchell was referring to The Summer Boy, a powerful novel reflecting the Appalachian majesty many of us knew in our youth. When I asked how Mitchell does it, he offered what all our accomplished upstate writers have in common: “Hard work and perseverance.”
[caption id="attachment_2534" align="alignright" width="187"]
Henry Mitchell wrote The Summer Boy while living on Wilton Street in the North Main area of Greenville. He created his on writing jobs in Greenville, SC.[/caption]
Job #1 – Create digital assets: Hook up with a network like Greenville’s Novel Bunch and they’ll help you publish your book. Or Greenville’s own online teaching software called Pathwright can increase your writing income by creating a digital course based on your lesson plan for teaching people to do just about anything you can imagine. Lesson plans require good writers, after all. You can sell these assets or you can also offer them for free in effort of generating more traffic to your website (see below) advertising revenue. Why limit yourself to specific writing jobs in Greenville, SC when you can publish eBooks, online courses and tele-seminars on a global scale?
Job #2 – Get affiliate revenue from your own blog: Most businesses that have websites also offer affiliate programs. They need people who can write about local businesses, and affiliate with those businesses. They get these people by offering commission or referral fees (it varies per business) through their affiliate programs. All you need is a blog to either place their banners on, or write content about their product or services.
Whichever method you choose, your readers must click onto the links in order for you to earn a commission; some programs require a product purchase. This is how high-traffic blogs earn you money. Just make sure that you choose an affiliate program that befits your site.
Job #3 – Start advertising on your own blog: While there are a wide variety of advertising programs available, the most common program is Google AdSense. This search engine powerhouse uses contextual ads. Some other popular programs include Chitika. It should be noted that some exclusive advertising programs prefer to place their ads on high traffic blogs.
[caption id="attachment_2521" align="aligncenter" width="524"]
Get advertising revenue with sites like Chitika…[/caption]
Job #4 – Greenville blog sponsorship: This is a fairly new strategy for earning blogging income, but sites like are using your ability to write clever headlines and create back links as a service. With this income strategy, a company sponsors your blog. Keep in mind, however, that your blog must be solely focused on the company’s products and services. Your blog might even be required to carry your sponsor’s logo.
Job #5 – Grants or donations: Writers can make money by getting grants or putting donation buttons on their blog’s sidebars. Although some writers might feel like they’re begging with this type of income, it’s actually quite the opposite. If you’re providing information that’s changing lives positively, then there’s nothing wrong with asking for goodwill donations. In fact, you deserve it.
Job #6 – Sell a product on a blog: Another way to make money writing is by selling items and branded products through merchandising programs such as Cafepress, using your expertise in writing to market a specific product. You’ll earn a percentage (it varies with each program) for each sale you refer.
Although these writing jobs in Greenville, SC are promising, you must be realistic. It takes time to build a steady income through writing. It’s not an overnight success. Furthermore, if you just started writing, then you have a longer and harder road to go.
Nevertheless, if you keep writing interesting and consistent content in a medium where people are likely to read your words, these methods can provide a profitable writing income for you.

A formula for finding writing jobs in Greenville, SC
There are several existing opportunities that enable writers to earn an income by simply networking within the “write” circles. Below are some of the most popular places where people are talking about how to make money on writing jobs in Greenville, SC.- Step #1: Get listed on LinkedIn’s Greenville Freelance Writer Page: CLICK HERE
- Step #2: Visit Hub City Writers Project in Spartanburg ( CLICK HERE
- Step #3: Network on Meetups in Greenville: CLICK HERE
- Step #4: Watch Travelers Rest writer, Gilbert Allen: CLICK HERE
- Step #5: Get advertising contract work: CLICK HERE
- Step #6: Write and get paid working for a blog: CLICK HERE
6 writing jobs in Greenville, SC